Credentials module
This module contains factory methods for two different credential types: CallCredentials and ChannelCredentials. ChannelCredentials are things like SSL credentials that can be used to secure a connection, and are used to construct a Client object. CallCredentials genrally modify metadata, so they can be attached to an individual method call.
CallCredentials can be composed with other CallCredentials to create CallCredentials. ChannelCredentials can be composed with CallCredentials to create ChannelCredentials. No combined credential can have more than one ChannelCredentials.
For example, to create a client secured with SSL that uses Google default application credentials to authenticate:
var channel_creds = credentials.createSsl(root_certs); (new GoogleAuth()).getApplicationDefault(function(err, credential) { var call_creds = credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(credential); var combined_creds = credentials.combineChannelCredentials( channel_creds, call_creds); var client = new Client(address, combined_creds); });
<static> combineCallCredentials(credentials)
Combine any number of CallCredentials into a single CallCredentials object
Name Type Argument Description credentials
grpc.credentials~CallCredentials <repeatable>
The CallCredentials to compose
A credentials object that combines all of the input credentials
<static> combineChannelCredentials(channel_credential, credentials)
Combine a ChannelCredentials with any number of CallCredentials into a single ChannelCredentials object.
Name Type Argument Description channel_credential
grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials The ChannelCredentials to start with
grpc.credentials~CallCredentials <repeatable>
The CallCredentials to compose
A credentials object that combines all of the input credentials
<static> createFromGoogleCredential(google_credential)
Create a gRPC credential from a Google credential object.
Name Type Description google_credential
external:GoogleCredential The Google credential object to use
The resulting credentials object
<static> createFromMetadataGenerator(metadata_generator)
Create a gRPC credentials object from a metadata generation function. This function gets the service URL and a callback as parameters. The error passed to the callback can optionally have a 'code' value attached to it, which corresponds to a status code that this library uses.
Name Type Description metadata_generator
grpc.credentials~generateMetadata The function that generates metadata
The credentials object
<static> createInsecure()
Create an insecure credentials object. This is used to create a channel that does not use SSL. This cannot be composed with anything.
The insecure credentials object
<static> createSsl( [root_certs] [, private_key] [, cert_chain])
Create an SSL Credentials object. If using a client-side certificate, both the second and third arguments must be passed. Additional peer verification options can be passed in the fourth argument as described below.
Name Type Argument Description root_certs
Buffer <optional>
The root certificate data
Buffer <optional>
The client certificate private key, if applicable
Buffer <optional>
The client certificate cert chain, if applicable
function Optional callback receiving the expected hostname and peer certificate for additional verification. The callback should return an Error if verification fails and otherwise return undefined.
The SSL Credentials object
Type Definitions
generateMetadata(params, callback)
Name Type Description params
Object Parameters that can modify metadata generation
Name Type Description service_url
string The URL of the service that the call is going to
grpc.credentials~metadataCallback -
metadataCallback(error, metadata)
Name Type Description error
Error The error, if getting metadata failed
grpc.Metadata The metadata