Class: Client

grpc. Client

new Client(address, credentials, options)

A generic gRPC client. Primarily useful as a base class for generated clients

Name Type Description
address string

Server address to connect to

credentials grpc.credentials~ChannelCredentials

Credentials to use to connect to the server

options Object

Options to apply to channel creation. Any of the channel arguments can be used here in addition to specific client options.

Name Type Argument Description
interceptors Array.<grpc~Interceptor> <optional>

Interceptors to apply to each request

interceptor_providers Array.<grpc~InterceptorProvider> <optional>

Interceptor providers to apply interceptors to each request depending on the method definition. At most one of the interceptors and interceptor_providers options may be set.

callInvocationTransformer grpc.Client~callInvocationTransformer <optional>
channelOverride grpc.Channel <optional>

Channel to use instead of constructing a new one. If set, the address, credentials, channel arguments options, and channelFactoryOverride option will all be ignored.

channelFactoryOverride grpc.Client~channelFactory

Function to use instead of the Channel constructor when creating the Client's channel.



Close this client.


Return the underlying channel object for the specified client


The channel


makeBidiStreamRequest(path, serialize, deserialize [, metadata] [, options])

Make a bidirectional stream request with this method on the given channel.

Name Type Argument Description
path string

The path of the method to request

serialize grpc~serialize

The serialization function for inputs

deserialize grpc~deserialize

The deserialization function for outputs

metadata grpc.Metadata <optional>

Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call

options grpc.Client~CallOptions <optional>

Options map


An event emitter for stream related events


makeClientStreamRequest(path, serialize, deserialize [, metadata] [, options], callback)

Make a client stream request to the given method, using the given serialize and deserialize functions, with the given argument.

Name Type Argument Description
path string

The path of the method to request

serialize grpc~serialize

The serialization function for inputs

deserialize grpc~deserialize

The deserialization function for outputs

metadata grpc.Metadata <optional>

Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call

options grpc.Client~CallOptions <optional>

Options map

callback grpc.Client~requestCallback

The callback for when the response is received


An event emitter for stream related events


makeServerStreamRequest(path, serialize, deserialize, argument [, metadata] [, options])

Make a server stream request to the given method, with the given serialize and deserialize function, using the given argument

Name Type Argument Description
path string

The path of the method to request

serialize grpc~serialize

The serialization function for inputs

deserialize grpc~deserialize

The deserialization function for outputs

argument *

The argument to the call. Should be serializable with serialize

metadata grpc.Metadata <optional>

Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call

options grpc.Client~CallOptions <optional>

Options map


An event emitter for stream related events


makeUnaryRequest(path, serialize, deserialize, argument [, metadata] [, options], callback)

Make a unary request to the given method, using the given serialize and deserialize functions, with the given argument.

Name Type Argument Description
path string

The path of the method to request

serialize grpc~serialize

The serialization function for inputs

deserialize grpc~deserialize

The deserialization function for outputs

argument *

The argument to the call. Should be serializable with serialize

metadata grpc.Metadata <optional>

Metadata to add to the call

options grpc.Client~CallOptions <optional>

Options map

callback grpc.Client~requestCallback

The callback for when the response is received


An event emitter for stream related events


waitForReady(deadline, callback)

Wait for the client to be ready. The callback will be called when the client has successfully connected to the server, and it will be called with an error if the attempt to connect to the server has unrecoverablly failed or if the deadline expires. This function will make the channel start connecting if it has not already done so.

Name Type Description
deadline grpc~Deadline

When to stop waiting for a connection.

callback function

The callback to call when done attempting to connect.

<inner> callInvocationTransformer(callProperties)

Call invocation transformer. Has access to the full call properties before a call is processed and can modify most of those properties. Some modifications will have no effect or may cause problems.

Name Type Description
callProperties grpc.Client~CallProperties

The original call properties


The modified call properties.


<inner> channelFactory(target, credentials, options)

A function that functionally replaces the Channel constructor.

Name Type Description
target string

The address of the server to connect to

credentials grpc.ChannelCredentials

Channel credentials to use when connecting

options grpc~ChannelOptions

A map of channel options that will be passed to the core. The available options are listed in this document.


This can either be an actual channel object, or an object with the same API.


Type Definitions


Any client call type



Options that can be set on a call.

  • Object
Name Type Description
deadline grpc~Deadline

The deadline for the entire call to complete.

host string

Server hostname to set on the call. Only meaningful if different from the server address used to construct the client.

parent grpc.Client~Call

Parent call. Used in servers when making a call as part of the process of handling a call. Used to propagate some information automatically, as specified by propagate_flags.

propagate_flags number

Indicates which properties of a parent call should propagate to this call. Bitwise combination of flags in grpc.propagate.

credentials grpc.credentials~CallCredentials

The credentials that should be used to make this particular call.


Properties of a call, for use with a grpc.Client~callInvocationTransformer.

  • Object
Name Type Description
argument *

The call argument. Only preset if the method is unary or server streaming.

metadata grpc.Metadata

The request metadata

call grpc~Call

The call object that will be returned by the client method

channel grpc.Channel

The channel that will be used to make a request

methodDefinition grpc~MethodDefinition

The MethodDefinition object that describes this method

options grpc.Client~CallOptions

The call options passed when making this request

callback grpc.Client~requestCallback

The callback that will handle the response. Only present if this method is unary or client streaming.

requestCallback(error, value)

Name Type Argument Description
error grpc~ServiceError <nullable>

The error, if the call failed

value *

The response value, if the call succeeded