Class: Server

grpc. Server

new Server( [options])

Constructs a server object that stores request handlers and delegates incoming requests to those handlers

Name Type Argument Description
options Object <optional>

Options that should be passed to the internal server implementation. The available options are listed in this document.

var server = new grpc.Server();
server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
server.bind('address:port', server_credential);



Add a proto service to the server, with a corresponding implementation



addService(service, implementation)

Add a service to the server, with a corresponding implementation.

Name Type Description
service grpc~ServiceDefinition

The service descriptor

implementation Object.<String, grpc.Server~handleCall>

Map of method names to method implementation for the provided service.

bind(port, creds)

Binds the server to the given port, with SSL disabled if creds is an insecure credentials object

Name Type Description
port string

The port that the server should bind on, in the format "address:port"

creds grpc.ServerCredentials

Server credential object to be used for SSL. Pass an insecure credentials object for an insecure port.


The bound port number. Negative if binding the port failed.


bindAsync(port, creds)

Binds the server to the given port, with SSL disabled if creds is an insecure credentials object. Provides the result asynchronously.

Name Type Description
port string

The port that the server should bind on, in the format "address:port"

creds grpc.ServerCredentials

Server credential object to be used for SSL. Pass an insecure credentials object for an insecure port.


Forcibly shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls and cancel all pending calls. When it returns, the server has shut down. This method is idempotent with itself and tryShutdown, and it will trigger any outstanding tryShutdown callbacks.

register(name, handler, serialize, deserialize, type)

Registers a handler to handle the named method. Fails if there already is a handler for the given method. Returns true on success

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the method that the provided function should handle/respond to.

handler grpc.Server~handleCall

Function that takes a stream of request values and returns a stream of response values

serialize grpc~serialize

Serialization function for responses

deserialize grpc~deserialize

Deserialization function for requests

type 'unary' | 'client_stream' | 'server_stream' | 'bidi'

The streaming type of method that this handles


True if the handler was set. False if a handler was already set for that name.



Start the server and begin handling requests


Gracefully shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls, and any pending calls will complete. The callback will be called when all pending calls have completed and the server is fully shut down. This method is idempotent with itself and forceShutdown.

Name Type Description
callback function

The shutdown complete callback

Type Definitions

bindCallback( [error], port)

Called with the result of attempting to bind a port

Name Type Argument Description
error Error <optional>

If non-null, indicates that binding the port failed.

port number

The bound port number. If binding the port fails, this will be negative to match the output of bind.


User provided method to handle bidirectional streaming calls on the server.

Name Type Description
call grpc~ServerDuplexStream

The call object


Unified type for application handlers for all types of calls


handleClientStreamingCall(call, callback)

User provided method to handle client streaming methods on the server.

Name Type Description
call grpc~ServerReadableStream

The call object

callback grpc.Server~sendUnaryData

The callback to call to respond to the request


User provided method to handle server streaming methods on the server.

Name Type Description
call grpc~ServerWritableStream

The call object

handleUnaryCall(call, callback)

User-provided method to handle unary requests on a server

Name Type Description
call grpc~ServerUnaryCall

The call object

callback grpc.Server~sendUnaryData

The callback to call to respond to the request

sendUnaryData(error, value [, trailer] [, flags])

Callback function passed to server handlers that handle methods with unary responses.

Name Type Argument Description
error grpc~ServiceError

An error, if the call failed

value *

The response value. Must be a valid argument to the responseSerialize method of the method that is being handled

trailer grpc.Metadata <optional>

Trailing metadata to send, if applicable

flags grpc.writeFlags <optional>

Flags to modify writing the response