GRPC C++  1.30.0
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
grpc::internal Namespace Reference

Models a gRPC server. More...

Data Structures

class  BlockingUnaryCallImpl
class  Call
 Straightforward wrapping of the C call object. More...
class  CallbackWithStatusTag
class  CallbackWithSuccessTag
 CallbackWithSuccessTag can be reused multiple times, and will be used in this fashion for streaming operations. More...
class  CallHook
 This is an interface that Channel and Server implement to allow them to hook performing ops. More...
class  CallNoOp
 Default argument for CallOpSet. More...
class  CallOpClientRecvStatus
class  CallOpClientSendClose
class  CallOpGenericRecvMessage
class  CallOpRecvInitialMetadata
class  CallOpRecvMessage
class  CallOpSendInitialMetadata
class  CallOpSendMessage
class  CallOpServerSendStatus
class  CallOpSet
 Primary implementation of CallOpSetInterface. More...
class  CallOpSetInterface
 An abstract collection of call ops, used to generate the grpc_call_op structure to pass down to the lower layers, and as it is-a CompletionQueueTag, also massages the final completion into the correct form for consumption in the C++ API. More...
class  CancelInterceptorBatchMethods
class  CompletionQueueTag
 An interface allowing implementors to process and filter event tags. More...
class  CondVar
class  DeserializeFunc
class  DeserializeFuncType
class  GrpcLibrary
class  GrpcLibraryInitializer
 Instantiating this class ensures the proper initialization of gRPC. More...
class  InterceptedChannel
 An InterceptedChannel is available to client Interceptors. More...
class  InterceptorBatchMethodsImpl
class  MetadataMap
class  MethodHandler
 Base class for running an RPC handler. More...
class  Mutex
class  MutexLock
class  ReleasableMutexLock
class  RpcMethod
 Descriptor of an RPC method. More...
class  RpcServiceMethod
 Server side rpc method class. More...
class  ServerAsyncStreamingInterface


typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncStreamingInterface ClientAsyncStreamingInterface
template<class R >
using AsyncReaderInterface = ::grpc_impl::internal::AsyncReaderInterface< R >
template<class W >
using AsyncWriterInterface = ::grpc_impl::internal::AsyncWriterInterface< W >
template<class R >
using ClientAsyncReaderFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderFactory< R >
template<class W >
using ClientAsyncWriterFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncWriterFactory< W >
template<class W , class R >
using ClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory< W, R >
template<class R >
using ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory< R >
template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using BidiStreamingHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::BidiStreamingHandler< ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType >
template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using RpcMethodHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::RpcMethodHandler< ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType >
template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using ClientStreamingHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientStreamingHandler< ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType >
template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using ServerStreamingHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::ServerStreamingHandler< ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType >
template<class Streamer , bool WriteNeeded>
using TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler< Streamer, WriteNeeded >
template<class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using StreamedUnaryHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::StreamedUnaryHandler< RequestType, ResponseType >
template<class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using SplitServerStreamingHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::SplitServerStreamingHandler< RequestType, ResponseType >
template<StatusCode code>
using ErrorMethodHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::ErrorMethodHandler< code >
using UnknownMethodHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::UnknownMethodHandler
using ResourceExhaustedHandler = ::grpc_impl::internal::ResourceExhaustedHandler
typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientStreamingInterface ClientStreamingInterface
typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ServerStreamingInterface ServerStreamingInterface
template<class R >
using ReaderInterface = ::grpc_impl::internal::ReaderInterface< R >
template<class W >
using WriterInterface = ::grpc_impl::internal::WriterInterface< W >
template<class R >
using ClientReaderFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientReaderFactory< R >
template<class W >
using ClientWriterFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientWriterFactory< W >
template<class W , class R >
using ClientReaderWriterFactory = ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientReaderWriterFactory< W, R >


grpc_metadataFillMetadataArray (const std::multimap< grpc::string, grpc::string > &metadata, size_t *metadata_count, const grpc::string &optional_error_details)
template<class Func , class... Args>
void CatchingCallback (Func &&func, Args &&... args)
 An exception-safe way of invoking a user-specified callback function. More...
template<class Reactor , class Func , class... Args>
Reactor * CatchingReactorGetter (Func &&func, Args &&... args)
template<class InputMessage , class OutputMessage >
Status BlockingUnaryCall (ChannelInterface *channel, const RpcMethod &method, grpc_impl::ClientContext *context, const InputMessage &request, OutputMessage *result)
 Wrapper that performs a blocking unary call. More...


const char kBinaryErrorDetailsKey [] = "grpc-status-details-bin"

Detailed Description

Models a gRPC server.

Servers are configured and started via grpc::ServerBuilder.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AsyncReaderInterface

◆ AsyncWriterInterface

◆ BidiStreamingHandler

template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::BidiStreamingHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::BidiStreamingHandler<ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ ClientAsyncReaderFactory

◆ ClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory

◆ ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory

◆ ClientAsyncStreamingInterface

◆ ClientAsyncWriterFactory

◆ ClientReaderFactory

◆ ClientReaderWriterFactory

◆ ClientStreamingHandler

template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::ClientStreamingHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ClientStreamingHandler<ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ ClientStreamingInterface

◆ ClientWriterFactory

◆ ErrorMethodHandler

template<StatusCode code>
using grpc::internal::ErrorMethodHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ErrorMethodHandler<code>

◆ ReaderInterface

◆ ResourceExhaustedHandler

◆ RpcMethodHandler

template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::RpcMethodHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::RpcMethodHandler<ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ ServerStreamingHandler

template<class ServiceType , class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::ServerStreamingHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::ServerStreamingHandler<ServiceType, RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ ServerStreamingInterface

◆ SplitServerStreamingHandler

template<class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::SplitServerStreamingHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::SplitServerStreamingHandler<RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ StreamedUnaryHandler

template<class RequestType , class ResponseType >
using grpc::internal::StreamedUnaryHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::StreamedUnaryHandler<RequestType, ResponseType>

◆ TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler

template<class Streamer , bool WriteNeeded>
using grpc::internal::TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler = typedef ::grpc_impl::internal::TemplatedBidiStreamingHandler<Streamer, WriteNeeded>

◆ UnknownMethodHandler

◆ WriterInterface

Function Documentation

◆ BlockingUnaryCall()

template<class InputMessage , class OutputMessage >
Status grpc::internal::BlockingUnaryCall ( ChannelInterface channel,
const RpcMethod method,
grpc_impl::ClientContext context,
const InputMessage &  request,
OutputMessage *  result 

Wrapper that performs a blocking unary call.

◆ CatchingCallback()

template<class Func , class... Args>
void grpc::internal::CatchingCallback ( Func &&  func,
Args &&...  args 

An exception-safe way of invoking a user-specified callback function.

◆ CatchingReactorGetter()

template<class Reactor , class Func , class... Args>
Reactor* grpc::internal::CatchingReactorGetter ( Func &&  func,
Args &&...  args 

◆ FillMetadataArray()

grpc_metadata* grpc::internal::FillMetadataArray ( const std::multimap< grpc::string, grpc::string > &  metadata,
size_t *  metadata_count,
const grpc::string optional_error_details 

Variable Documentation

◆ g_global_client_interceptor_factory

experimental::ClientInterceptorFactoryInterface* grpc::internal::g_global_client_interceptor_factory

◆ kBinaryErrorDetailsKey

const char grpc::internal::kBinaryErrorDetailsKey[] = "grpc-status-details-bin"