►Ngrpc | This header provides an object that reads bytes directly from a grpc::ByteBuffer, via the ZeroCopyInputStream interface |
►Nexperimental | ClientRpcInfo represents the state of a particular RPC as it appears to an interceptor |
CCallbackGenericService | CallbackGenericService is the base class for generic services implemented using the callback API and registered through the ServerBuilder using RegisterCallbackGenericService |
CClientInterceptorFactoryInterface | |
CClientRpcInfo | |
CDelegatingChannel | |
►CExternalConnectionAcceptor | |
CNewConnectionParameters | |
CGenericCallbackServerContext | |
CInterceptor | Interface for an interceptor |
CInterceptorBatchMethods | Class that is passed as an argument to the Intercept method of the application's Interceptor interface implementation |
CMessageAllocator | |
CMessageHolder | |
CRpcAllocatorState | |
CServerInterceptorFactoryInterface | |
CServerRpcInfo | ServerRpcInfo represents the state of a particular RPC as it appears to an interceptor |
►Ninternal | Models a gRPC server |
CBlockingUnaryCallImpl | |
CCall | Straightforward wrapping of the C call object |
CCallbackWithStatusTag | |
CCallbackWithSuccessTag | CallbackWithSuccessTag can be reused multiple times, and will be used in this fashion for streaming operations |
CCallHook | This is an interface that Channel and Server implement to allow them to hook performing ops |
CCallNoOp | Default argument for CallOpSet |
CCallOpClientRecvStatus | |
CCallOpClientSendClose | |
CCallOpGenericRecvMessage | |
CCallOpRecvInitialMetadata | |
CCallOpRecvMessage | |
CCallOpSendInitialMetadata | |
CCallOpSendMessage | |
CCallOpServerSendStatus | |
CCallOpSet | Primary implementation of CallOpSetInterface |
CCallOpSetInterface | An abstract collection of call ops, used to generate the grpc_call_op structure to pass down to the lower layers, and as it is-a CompletionQueueTag, also massages the final completion into the correct form for consumption in the C++ API |
CCancelInterceptorBatchMethods | |
CCompletionQueueTag | An interface allowing implementors to process and filter event tags |
CCondVar | |
CDeserializeFunc | |
CDeserializeFuncType | |
CGrpcLibrary | |
CGrpcLibraryInitializer | Instantiating this class ensures the proper initialization of gRPC |
CInterceptedChannel | An InterceptedChannel is available to client Interceptors |
CInterceptorBatchMethodsImpl | |
CMetadataMap | |
►CMethodHandler | Base class for running an RPC handler |
CHandlerParameter | |
CMutex | |
CMutexLock | |
CReleasableMutexLock | |
CRpcMethod | Descriptor of an RPC method |
CRpcServiceMethod | Server side rpc method class |
CServerAsyncStreamingInterface | |
►Nprotobuf | |
CAsyncGenericService | |
CAuthContext | Class encapsulating the Authentication Information |
CAuthPropertyIterator | |
CByteBuffer | A sequence of bytes |
CChannelInterface | Codegen interface for grpc::Channel |
CCoreCodegen | Implementation of the core codegen interface |
CCoreCodegenInterface | Interface between the codegen library and the minimal subset of core features required by the generated code |
CGenericServerContext | |
CGrpcLibraryCodegen | Classes that require gRPC to be initialized should inherit from this class |
CGrpcLibraryInterface | |
CHealthCheckServiceServerBuilderOption | |
CProtoBufferReader | This is a specialization of the protobuf class ZeroCopyInputStream The principle is to get one chunk of data at a time from the proto layer, with options to backup (re-see some bytes) or skip (forward past some bytes) |
CProtoBufferWriter | This is a specialization of the protobuf class ZeroCopyOutputStream |
CSerializationTraits | Defines how to serialize and deserialize some type |
CSerializationTraits< ByteBuffer, void > | |
CServerBuilderPlugin | This interface is meant for internal usage only |
►CServerInterface | |
CBaseAsyncRequest | |
Cexperimental_registration_interface | NOTE: class experimental_registration_interface is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to public API when no longer experimental |
CGenericAsyncRequest | |
CNoPayloadAsyncRequest | |
CPayloadAsyncRequest | |
CRegisteredAsyncRequest | RegisteredAsyncRequest is not part of the C++ API |
►CService | Desriptor of an RPC service and its various RPC methods |
Cexperimental_type | |
CSlice | A wrapper around grpc_slice |
►CSslServerCredentialsOptions | Options to create ServerCredentials with SSL |
CPemKeyCertPair | |
CStatus | Did it work? If it didn't, why? |
Cstring_ref | This class is a non owning reference to a string |
CStubOptions | Useful interface for generated stubs |
CTimePoint | If you are trying to use CompletionQueue::AsyncNext with a time class that isn't either gpr_timespec or std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, you will most likely be looking at this comment as your compiler will have fired an error below |
CTimePoint< gpr_timespec > | |
CTimePoint< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point > | |
CWriteOptions | Per-message write options |
►Ngrpc_impl | An Alarm posts the user-provided tag to its associated completion queue or invokes the user-provided function on expiry or cancellation |
►Nexperimental | |
CAltsCredentialsOptions | Options used to build AltsCredentials |
CAltsServerCredentialsOptions | Options to create ServerCredentials with ALTS |
CStsCredentialsOptions | Options for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange-16 |
CTlsCredentialReloadArg | TLS credential reload arguments, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg |
CTlsCredentialReloadConfig | TLS credential reloag config, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_config |
CTlsCredentialReloadInterface | An interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a TlsCredentialReloadConfig instance |
CTlsCredentialsOptions | TLS credentials options, wrapper for grpc_tls_credentials_options |
►CTlsKeyMaterialsConfig | TLS key materials config, wrapper for grpc_tls_key_materials_config |
CPemKeyCertPair | |
CTlsServerAuthorizationCheckArg | TLS server authorization check arguments, wraps grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg |
CTlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig | TLS server authorization check config, wraps grps_tls_server_authorization_check_config |
CTlsServerAuthorizationCheckInterface | An interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig instance |
►Ninternal | Actual implementation of bi-directional streaming |
CAsyncReaderInterface | An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R |
CAsyncWriterInterface | An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W |
CBidiStreamingHandler | |
CCallbackBidiHandler | |
CCallbackClientStreamingHandler | |
CCallbackServerStreamingHandler | |
CCallbackUnaryCallImpl | |
CCallbackUnaryHandler | |
CClientAsyncReaderFactory | |
CClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory | |
CClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory | |
CClientAsyncStreamingInterface | Common interface for all client side asynchronous streaming |
CClientAsyncWriterFactory | |
CClientCallbackReaderFactory | |
CClientCallbackReaderImpl | |
CClientCallbackReaderWriterFactory | |
CClientCallbackReaderWriterImpl | |
CClientCallbackUnaryFactory | |
CClientCallbackUnaryImpl | |
CClientCallbackWriterFactory | |
CClientCallbackWriterImpl | |
CClientReaderFactory | |
CClientReaderWriterFactory | |
CClientStreamingHandler | A wrapper class of an application provided client streaming handler |
CClientStreamingInterface | Common interface for all synchronous client side streaming |
CClientWriterFactory | |
CDefaultMessageHolder | |
CErrorMethodHandler | General method handler class for errors that prevent real method use e.g., handle unknown method by returning UNIMPLEMENTED error |
CFinishOnlyReactor | |
CReaderInterface | An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R |
CRpcMethodHandler | A wrapper class of an application provided rpc method handler |
CServerCallbackCall | The base class of ServerCallbackUnary etc |
CServerReactor | |
CServerReaderWriterBody | |
CServerStreamingHandler | A wrapper class of an application provided server streaming handler |
CServerStreamingInterface | Common interface for all synchronous server side streaming |
CSplitServerStreamingHandler | |
CStreamedUnaryHandler | |
CTemplatedBidiStreamingHandler | A wrapper class of an application provided bidi-streaming handler |
CWriterInterface | An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W |
►CAlarm | |
Cexperimental_type | NOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to the public API of Alarm when they are no longer experimental |
CAuthMetadataProcessor | Interface allowing custom server-side authorization based on credentials encoded in metadata |
CCallbackServerContext | |
CCallCredentials | A call credentials object encapsulates the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server for a given call on a channel |
CChannel | Channels represent a connection to an endpoint. Created by CreateChannel |
CChannelArguments | Options for channel creation |
CChannelCredentials | A channel credentials object encapsulates all the state needed by a client to authenticate with a server for a given channel |
CClientAsyncReader | Async client-side API for doing server-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R |
CClientAsyncReaderInterface | |
CClientAsyncReaderWriter | Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the outgoing message stream going to the server has messages of type W, and the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R |
CClientAsyncReaderWriterInterface | Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the client-to-server message stream has messages of type W, and the server-to-client message stream has messages of type R |
CClientAsyncResponseReader | Async API for client-side unary RPCs, where the message response received from the server is of type R |
CClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface | An interface relevant for async client side unary RPCs (which send one request message to a server and receive one response message) |
CClientAsyncWriter | Async API on the client side for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream going to the server contains messages of type W |
CClientAsyncWriterInterface | Common interface for client side asynchronous writing |
CClientBidiReactor | ClientBidiReactor is the interface for a bidirectional streaming RPC |
CClientCallbackReader | |
CClientCallbackReaderWriter | |
CClientCallbackUnary | |
CClientCallbackWriter | |
►CClientContext | A ClientContext allows the person implementing a service client to: |
CGlobalCallbacks | Global Callbacks |
CClientReader | Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for doing server-streaming RPCs, where the stream of messages coming from the server has messages of type R |
CClientReaderInterface | Client-side interface for streaming reads of message of type R |
CClientReaderWriter | Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for bi-directional streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the client has messages of type W, and the incoming messages stream coming from the server has messages of type R |
CClientReaderWriterInterface | Client-side interface for bi-directional streaming with client-to-server stream messages of type W and server-to-client stream messages of type R |
CClientReadReactor | ClientReadReactor is the interface for a server-streaming RPC |
CClientUnaryReactor | ClientUnaryReactor is a reactor-style interface for a unary RPC |
CClientWriter | Synchronous (blocking) client-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the client has messages of type W |
CClientWriteReactor | ClientWriteReactor is the interface for a client-streaming RPC |
CClientWriterInterface | Client-side interface for streaming writes of message type W |
CCompletionQueue | A thin wrapper around grpc_completion_queue (see src/core/lib/surface/completion_queue.h) |
CHealthCheckServiceInterface | The gRPC server uses this interface to expose the health checking service without depending on protobuf |
CMetadataCredentialsPlugin | User defined metadata credentials |
CPropagationOptions | Options for ClientContext::FromServerContext specifying which traits from the ServerContext to propagate (copy) from it into a new ClientContext |
CResourceQuota | ResourceQuota represents a bound on memory and thread usage by the gRPC library |
►CServer | Represents a gRPC server |
Cexperimental_type | NOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class |
CGlobalCallbacks | Global callbacks are a set of hooks that are called when server events occur |
CServerAsyncReader | Async server-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream from the client has messages of type R, and the single response message sent from the server is type W |
CServerAsyncReaderInterface | |
CServerAsyncReaderWriter | Async server-side API for doing bidirectional streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R, and the outgoing message stream coming from the server has messages of type W |
CServerAsyncReaderWriterInterface | Server-side interface for asynchronous bi-directional streaming |
CServerAsyncResponseWriter | Async server-side API for handling unary calls, where the single response message sent to the client is of type W |
CServerAsyncWriter | Async server-side API for doing server streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream from the server has messages of type W |
CServerAsyncWriterInterface | |
CServerBidiReactor | ServerBidiReactor is the interface for a bidirectional streaming RPC |
►CServerBuilder | A builder class for the creation and startup of grpc::Server instances |
Cexperimental_type | NOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class |
CNamedService | |
CPort | Experimental, to be deprecated |
CServerBuilderOption | Interface to pass an option to a ServerBuilder |
CServerCallbackReader | |
CServerCallbackReaderWriter | |
CServerCallbackUnary | |
CServerCallbackWriter | |
CServerCompletionQueue | A specific type of completion queue used by the processing of notifications by servers |
CServerContext | A ServerContext or CallbackServerContext allows the code implementing a service handler to: |
CServerContextBase | Base class of ServerContext. Experimental until callback API is final |
CServerCredentials | Wrapper around grpc_server_credentials, a way to authenticate a server |
CServerInitializer | |
CServerReader | Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R |
CServerReaderInterface | Server-side interface for streaming reads of message of type R |
CServerReaderWriter | Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for a bidirectional streaming call, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R, and the outgoing message streaming coming from the server has messages of type W |
CServerReaderWriterInterface | Server-side interface for bi-directional streaming |
CServerReadReactor | ServerReadReactor is the interface for a client-streaming RPC |
CServerSplitStreamer | A class to represent a flow-controlled server-side streaming call |
CServerUnaryReactor | |
CServerUnaryStreamer | A class to represent a flow-controlled unary call |
CServerWriter | Synchronous (blocking) server-side API for doing for doing a server-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream coming from the server has messages of type W |
CServerWriteReactor | ServerWriteReactor is the interface for a server-streaming RPC |
CServerWriterInterface | Server-side interface for streaming writes of message of type W |
CSslCredentialsOptions | Options used to build SslCredentials |
►CTemplatedGenericStub | Generic stubs provide a type-unaware interface to call gRPC methods by name |
Cexperimental_type | NOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to the public API of GenericStub when they are no longer experimental |
►Nstd | |
Cdefault_delete<::grpc_impl::ClientAsyncResponseReader< R > > | |
Cdefault_delete<::grpc_impl::ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface< R > > | |
Cgpr_event | |
Cgpr_log_func_args | Log overrides: applications can use this API to intercept logging calls and use their own implementations |
Cgpr_mu | |
Cgpr_refcount | |
Cgpr_stats_counter | |
Cgpr_timespec | Analogous to struct timespec |
►Cgrpc_arg | A single argument.. |
►Cgrpc_arg_value | |
Cgrpc_arg_pointer | |
Cgrpc_arg_pointer_vtable | |
Cgrpc_auth_metadata_context | Context that can be used by metadata credentials plugin in order to create auth related metadata |
Cgrpc_auth_metadata_processor | Pluggable server-side metadata processor object |
Cgrpc_auth_property | Value, if not NULL, is guaranteed to be NULL terminated |
Cgrpc_auth_property_iterator | |
►Cgrpc_byte_buffer | |
►Cgrpc_byte_buffer_data | |
Cgrpc_compressed_buffer | |
►Cgrpc_byte_buffer_reader | |
Cgrpc_byte_buffer_reader_current | Different current objects correspond to different types of byte buffers |
Cgrpc_call_details | |
Cgrpc_channel_args | An array of arguments that can be passed around |
Cgrpc_channel_info | Information requested from the channel |
Cgrpc_completion_queue_attributes | |
►Cgrpc_compression_options | |
Cgrpc_compression_options_default_algorithm | The default message compression algorithm |
Cgrpc_compression_options_default_level | The default compression level |
Cgrpc_event | The result of an operation |
Cgrpc_experimental_completion_queue_functor | EXPERIMENTAL: Specifies an interface class to be used as a tag for callback-based completion queues |
Cgrpc_metadata | A single metadata element |
Cgrpc_metadata_array | |
Cgrpc_metadata_credentials_plugin | Grpc_metadata_credentials plugin is an API user provided structure used to create grpc_credentials objects that can be set on a channel (composed) or a call |
►Cgrpc_op | Operation data: one field for each op type (except SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT which has no arguments) |
►Cgrpc_op_data | |
Cgrpc_op_recv_close_on_server | |
Cgrpc_op_recv_initial_metadata | Ownership of the array is with the caller, but ownership of the elements stays with the call object (ie key, value members are owned by the call object, recv_initial_metadata->array is owned by the caller) |
Cgrpc_op_recv_message | Ownership of the byte buffer is moved to the caller; the caller must call grpc_byte_buffer_destroy on this value, or reuse it in a future op |
Cgrpc_op_recv_status_on_client | |
►Cgrpc_op_send_initial_metadata | |
Cgrpc_op_send_initial_metadata_maybe_compression_level | If is_set, compression_level will be used for the call |
Cgrpc_op_send_message | |
Cgrpc_op_send_status_from_server | |
►Cgrpc_slice | A grpc_slice s, if initialized, represents the byte range s.bytes[0..s.length-1] |
►Cgrpc_slice_data | |
Cgrpc_slice_inlined | |
Cgrpc_slice_refcounted | |
Cgrpc_slice_buffer | Represents an expandable array of slices, to be interpreted as a single item |
Cgrpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair | Object that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format |
Cgrpc_ssl_verify_peer_options | Object that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure channel |
Cgrpc_sts_credentials_options | Options for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-token-exchange-16 |
Cgrpc_tls_credential_reload_arg | A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a credential reload request |
Cgrpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg | A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a server authorization check request |
Cverify_peer_options | Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options |