So you’ve bought into this whole RPC thing and want to try it out, but aren’t quite sure about Protocol Buffers. Your existing code encodes your own objects, or perhaps you have code that needs a particular encoding. What to do?

Fortunately, gRPC is encoding agnostic! You can still get a lot of the benefits of gRPC without using Protobuf. In this post we’ll go through how to make gRPC work with other encodings and types. Let’s try using JSON.

Take the gRPC Survey!

The gRPC Project wants your feedback!

The gRPC project is looking for feedback to improve the gRPC experience. To do this, we are running a gRPC user survey. We invite you to participate and provide input that will help us better plan and prioritize.

HTTP/2 Smarter At Scale

Much of the web today runs on HTTP/1.1. The spec for HTTP/1.1 was published in June of 1999, just shy of 20 years ago. A lot has changed since then, which makes it all the more remarkable that HTTP/1.1 has persisted and flourished for so long. But in some areas it’s beginning to show its age; for the most part, in that the designers weren’t building for the scale at which HTTP/1.1 would be used and the astonishing amount of traffic that it would come to handle. A not-so-bad case is that subsequent tests can’t pass because of a leaked resource from the previous test. The worst case is that some subsequent tests pass that wouldn’t have passed at all if the previously passed test had not leaked a resource.

Gracefully clean up in gRPC JUnit tests

It is best practice to always clean up gRPC resources such as client channels, servers, and previously attached Contexts whenever they are no longer needed.

This is even true for JUnit tests, because otherwise leaked resources may not only linger in your machine forever, but also interfere with subsequent tests. A not-so-bad case is that subsequent tests can’t pass because of a leaked resource from the previous test. The worst case is that some subsequent tests pass that wouldn’t have passed at all if the previously passed test had not leaked a resource.

gRPC ❤ Kotlin

Did you know that gRPC Java now has out of box support for Kotlin projects built with Gradle? Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language developed by JetBrains that targets the JVM and Android. It is generally easy for Kotlin programs to interoperate with existing Java libraries. To improve this experience further, we have added support to the protobuf-gradle-plugin so that the generated Java libraries are automatically picked up by Kotlin. You can now add the protobuf-gradle-plugin to your Kotlin project, and use gRPC just like you would with a typical Java project.