gRPC Testing

Module Contents

Objects for use in testing gRPC Python-using application code.

class grpc_testing.Channel[source]

A grpc.Channel double with which to test a system that invokes RPCs.

abstract take_stream_stream(method_descriptor)[source]

Draws an RPC currently being made by the system under test.

If the given descriptor does not identify any RPC currently being made by the system under test, this method blocks until the system under test invokes such an RPC.


method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a stream-stream RPC method.


A (invocation_metadata, stream_stream_channel_rpc) tuple of the RPC’s

invocation metadata and a StreamStreamChannelRpc with which to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract take_stream_unary(method_descriptor)[source]

Draws an RPC currently being made by the system under test.

If the given descriptor does not identify any RPC currently being made by the system under test, this method blocks until the system under test invokes such an RPC.


method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a stream-unary RPC method.


A (invocation_metadata, stream_unary_channel_rpc) tuple of the RPC’s

invocation metadata and a StreamUnaryChannelRpc with which to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract take_unary_stream(method_descriptor)[source]

Draws an RPC currently being made by the system under test.

If the given descriptor does not identify any RPC currently being made by the system under test, this method blocks until the system under test invokes such an RPC.


method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a unary-stream RPC method.


A (invocation_metadata, request, unary_stream_channel_rpc) tuple of

the RPC’s invocation metadata, its request, and a UnaryStreamChannelRpc with which to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract take_unary_unary(method_descriptor)[source]

Draws an RPC currently being made by the system under test.

If the given descriptor does not identify any RPC currently being made by the system under test, this method blocks until the system under test invokes such an RPC.


method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a unary-unary RPC method.


A (invocation_metadata, request, unary_unary_channel_rpc) tuple of

the RPC’s invocation metadata, its request, and a UnaryUnaryChannelRpc with which to “play server” for the RPC.

class grpc_testing.Server[source]

A server with which to test a system that services RPCs.

abstract invoke_stream_stream(method_descriptor, invocation_metadata, timeout)[source]

Invokes an RPC to be serviced by the system under test.

  • method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a stream-stream RPC method.

  • invocation_metadata – The RPC’s invocation metadata.

  • timeout – A duration of time in seconds for the RPC or None to indicate that the RPC has no time limit.


A StreamStreamServerRpc with which to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract invoke_stream_unary(method_descriptor, invocation_metadata, timeout)[source]

Invokes an RPC to be serviced by the system under test.

  • method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a stream-unary RPC method.

  • invocation_metadata – The RPC’s invocation metadata.

  • timeout – A duration of time in seconds for the RPC or None to indicate that the RPC has no time limit.


A StreamUnaryServerRpc with which to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract invoke_unary_stream(method_descriptor, invocation_metadata, request, timeout)[source]

Invokes an RPC to be serviced by the system under test.

  • method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a unary-stream RPC method.

  • invocation_metadata – The RPC’s invocation metadata.

  • request – The RPC’s request.

  • timeout – A duration of time in seconds for the RPC or None to indicate that the RPC has no time limit.


A UnaryStreamServerRpc with which to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract invoke_unary_unary(method_descriptor, invocation_metadata, request, timeout)[source]

Invokes an RPC to be serviced by the system under test.

  • method_descriptor – A descriptor.MethodDescriptor describing a unary-unary RPC method.

  • invocation_metadata – The RPC’s invocation metadata.

  • request – The RPC’s request.

  • timeout – A duration of time in seconds for the RPC or None to indicate that the RPC has no time limit.


A UnaryUnaryServerRpc with which to “play client” for the RPC.

class grpc_testing.StreamStreamChannelRpc[source]

Fixture for a stream-stream RPC invoked by a system under test.

Enables users to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract cancelled()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has cancelled the RPC.

abstract requests_closed()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has closed the request stream.

abstract send_initial_metadata(initial_metadata)[source]

Sends the RPC’s initial metadata to the system under test.


initial_metadata – The RPC’s initial metadata to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract send_response(response)[source]

Sends a response to the system under test.


response – A response messages to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract take_request()[source]

Draws one of the requests added to the RPC by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added to the RPC the request to be returned.

Successive calls to this method return requests in the same order in which the system under test added them to the RPC.


A request message added to the RPC by the system under test.

abstract terminate(trailing_metadata, code, details)[source]

Terminates the RPC.

  • trailing_metadata – The RPC’s trailing metadata.

  • code – The RPC’s status code.

  • details – The RPC’s status details.

class grpc_testing.StreamStreamServerRpc[source]

Fixture for a stream-stream RPC serviced by a system under test.

Enables users to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract cancel()[source]

Cancels the RPC.

abstract initial_metadata()[source]

Accesses the initial metadata emitted by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added initial metadata to the RPC (or has provided one or more response messages or has terminated the RPC, either of which will cause gRPC Python to synthesize initial metadata for the RPC).


The initial metadata for the RPC.

abstract requests_closed()[source]

Indicates the end of the RPC’s request stream.

abstract send_request(request)[source]

Sends a request to the system under test.


request – A request message for the RPC to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract take_response()[source]

Draws one of the responses added to the RPC by the system under test.

Successive calls to this method return responses in the same order in which the system under test added them to the RPC.


A response message added to the RPC by the system under test.

abstract termination()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has terminated the RPC.


A (trailing_metadata, code, details) sequence with the RPC’s trailing

metadata, code, and details.

class grpc_testing.StreamUnaryChannelRpc[source]

Fixture for a stream-unary RPC invoked by a system under test.

Enables users to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract cancelled()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has cancelled the RPC.

abstract requests_closed()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has closed the request stream.

abstract send_initial_metadata(initial_metadata)[source]

Sends the RPC’s initial metadata to the system under test.


initial_metadata – The RPC’s initial metadata to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract take_request()[source]

Draws one of the requests added to the RPC by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added to the RPC the request to be returned.

Successive calls to this method return requests in the same order in which the system under test added them to the RPC.


A request message added to the RPC by the system under test.

abstract terminate(response, trailing_metadata, code, details)[source]

Terminates the RPC.

  • response – The response for the RPC.

  • trailing_metadata – The RPC’s trailing metadata.

  • code – The RPC’s status code.

  • details – The RPC’s status details.

class grpc_testing.StreamUnaryServerRpc[source]

Fixture for a stream-unary RPC serviced by a system under test.

Enables users to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract cancel()[source]

Cancels the RPC.

abstract initial_metadata()[source]

Accesses the initial metadata emitted by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added initial metadata to the RPC (or has provided one or more response messages or has terminated the RPC, either of which will cause gRPC Python to synthesize initial metadata for the RPC).


The initial metadata for the RPC.

abstract requests_closed()[source]

Indicates the end of the RPC’s request stream.

abstract send_request(request)[source]

Sends a request to the system under test.


request – A request message for the RPC to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract termination()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has terminated the RPC.


A (response, trailing_metadata, code, details) sequence with the RPC’s

response, trailing metadata, code, and details.

class grpc_testing.Time[source]

A simulation of time.

Implementations needn’t be connected with real time as provided by the Python interpreter, but as long as systems under test use RpcContext.is_active and RpcContext.time_remaining for querying RPC liveness implementations may be used to change passage of time in tests.

abstract call_at(behavior, time)[source]

Adds a behavior to be called at a specific time.

  • behavior – A behavior to be called with no arguments.

  • time – The test time at which to call the behavior.


A grpc.Future with which the call of the behavior may be cancelled

before it is executed.

abstract call_in(behavior, delay)[source]

Adds a behavior to be called after some time.

  • behavior – A behavior to be called with no arguments.

  • delay – A duration of time in seconds after which to call the behavior.


A grpc.Future with which the call of the behavior may be cancelled

before it is executed.

abstract sleep_for(duration)[source]

Blocks for some length of test time.


duration – A duration of test time in seconds for which to block.

abstract sleep_until(time)[source]

Blocks until some test time.


time – The test time until which to block.

abstract time()[source]

Accesses the current test time.


The current test time (over which this object has authority).

class grpc_testing.UnaryStreamChannelRpc[source]

Fixture for a unary-stream RPC invoked by a system under test.

Enables users to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract cancelled()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has cancelled the RPC.

abstract send_initial_metadata(initial_metadata)[source]

Sends the RPC’s initial metadata to the system under test.


initial_metadata – The RPC’s initial metadata to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract send_response(response)[source]

Sends a response to the system under test.


response – A response message to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract terminate(trailing_metadata, code, details)[source]

Terminates the RPC.

  • trailing_metadata – The RPC’s trailing metadata.

  • code – The RPC’s status code.

  • details – The RPC’s status details.

class grpc_testing.UnaryStreamServerRpc[source]

Fixture for a unary-stream RPC serviced by a system under test.

Enables users to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract cancel()[source]

Cancels the RPC.

abstract initial_metadata()[source]

Accesses the initial metadata emitted by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added initial metadata to the RPC (or has provided one or more response messages or has terminated the RPC, either of which will cause gRPC Python to synthesize initial metadata for the RPC).


The initial metadata for the RPC.

abstract take_response()[source]

Draws one of the responses added to the RPC by the system under test.

Successive calls to this method return responses in the same order in which the system under test added them to the RPC.


A response message added to the RPC by the system under test.

abstract termination()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has terminated the RPC.


A (trailing_metadata, code, details) sequence with the RPC’s trailing

metadata, code, and details.

class grpc_testing.UnaryUnaryChannelRpc[source]

Fixture for a unary-unary RPC invoked by a system under test.

Enables users to “play server” for the RPC.

abstract cancelled()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has cancelled the RPC.

abstract send_initial_metadata(initial_metadata)[source]

Sends the RPC’s initial metadata to the system under test.


initial_metadata – The RPC’s initial metadata to be “sent” to the system under test.

abstract terminate(response, trailing_metadata, code, details)[source]

Terminates the RPC.

  • response – The response for the RPC.

  • trailing_metadata – The RPC’s trailing metadata.

  • code – The RPC’s status code.

  • details – The RPC’s status details.

class grpc_testing.UnaryUnaryServerRpc[source]

Fixture for a unary-unary RPC serviced by a system under test.

Enables users to “play client” for the RPC.

abstract cancel()[source]

Cancels the RPC.

abstract initial_metadata()[source]

Accesses the initial metadata emitted by the system under test.

This method blocks until the system under test has added initial metadata to the RPC (or has provided one or more response messages or has terminated the RPC, either of which will cause gRPC Python to synthesize initial metadata for the RPC).


The initial metadata for the RPC.

abstract termination()[source]

Blocks until the system under test has terminated the RPC.


A (response, trailing_metadata, code, details) sequence with the RPC’s

response, trailing metadata, code, and details., time)[source]

Creates a Channel for use in tests of a gRPC Python-using system.

  • service_descriptors – An iterable of descriptor.ServiceDescriptors describing the RPCs that will be made on the returned Channel by the system under test.

  • time – A Time to be used for tests.


A Channel for use in tests.

grpc_testing.server_from_dictionary(descriptors_to_servicers, time)[source]

Creates a Server for use in tests of a gRPC Python-using system.

  • descriptors_to_servicers – A dictionary from descriptor.ServiceDescriptors defining RPC services to servicer objects (usually instances of classes that implement “Servicer” interfaces defined in generated “_pb2_grpc” modules) implementing those services.

  • time – A Time to be used for tests.


A Server for use in tests.


Creates a Time that can be manipulated by test code.

The returned instance maintains an internal representation of time independent of real time. This internal representation only advances when user code calls the instance’s sleep_for and sleep_until methods.

The returned instance will be “strict” with respect to callbacks submitted to it: it will ensure that all callbacks registered to be called at time t have been called before it describes the time as having advanced beyond t.


A Time that simulates the passage of time.


Creates a Time backed by the Python interpreter’s time.

The returned instance will be “strict” with respect to callbacks submitted to it: it will ensure that all callbacks registered to be called at time t have been called before it describes the time as having advanced beyond t.


A Time backed by the “system” (Python interpreter’s) time.