GRPC C++  1.30.0
Data Structures | Namespaces
async_stream_impl.h File Reference
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/channel_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/core_codegen_interface.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/server_context_impl.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/service_type.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/status.h>

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Data Structures

class  grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncStreamingInterface
 Common interface for all client side asynchronous streaming. More...
class  grpc_impl::internal::AsyncReaderInterface< R >
 An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R. More...
class  grpc_impl::internal::AsyncWriterInterface< W >
 An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W. More...
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncReaderInterface< R >
class  grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderFactory< R >
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncReader< R >
 Async client-side API for doing server-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncWriterInterface< W >
 Common interface for client side asynchronous writing. More...
class  grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncWriterFactory< W >
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncWriter< W >
 Async API on the client side for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream going to the server contains messages of type W. More...
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncReaderWriterInterface< W, R >
 Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the client-to-server message stream has messages of type W, and the server-to-client message stream has messages of type R. More...
class  grpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory< W, R >
class  grpc_impl::ClientAsyncReaderWriter< W, R >
 Async client-side interface for bi-directional streaming, where the outgoing message stream going to the server has messages of type W, and the incoming message stream coming from the server has messages of type R. More...
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncReaderInterface< W, R >
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncReader< W, R >
 Async server-side API for doing client-streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream from the client has messages of type R, and the single response message sent from the server is type W. More...
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncWriterInterface< W >
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncWriter< W >
 Async server-side API for doing server streaming RPCs, where the outgoing message stream from the server has messages of type W. More...
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncReaderWriterInterface< W, R >
 Server-side interface for asynchronous bi-directional streaming. More...
class  grpc_impl::ServerAsyncReaderWriter< W, R >
 Async server-side API for doing bidirectional streaming RPCs, where the incoming message stream coming from the client has messages of type R, and the outgoing message stream coming from the server has messages of type W. More...


 An Alarm posts the user-provided tag to its associated completion queue or invokes the user-provided function on expiry or cancellation.
 Actual implementation of bi-directional streaming.