GRPC C++  1.30.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::AltsCredentialsOptionsOptions used to build AltsCredentials
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::AltsServerCredentialsOptionsOptions to create ServerCredentials with ALTS
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::AsyncReaderInterface< R >An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::AsyncWriterInterface< W >An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W
 Cgrpc::AuthContextClass encapsulating the Authentication Information
 Cgrpc_impl::AuthMetadataProcessorInterface allowing custom server-side authorization based on credentials encoded in metadata
 Cgrpc::internal::BlockingUnaryCallImpl< InputMessage, OutputMessage >
 Cgrpc::ByteBufferA sequence of bytes
 Cgrpc::internal::CallStraightforward wrapping of the C call object
 Cgrpc::experimental::CallbackGenericServiceCallbackGenericService is the base class for generic services implemented using the callback API and registered through the ServerBuilder using RegisterCallbackGenericService
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::CallbackUnaryCallImpl< InputMessage, OutputMessage >
 Cgrpc::internal::CallHookThis is an interface that Channel and Server implement to allow them to hook performing ops
 Cgrpc::internal::CallNoOp< I >Default argument for CallOpSet
 Cgrpc::internal::CallOpRecvMessage< R >
 Cgrpc_impl::ChannelArgumentsOptions for channel creation
 Cgrpc::ChannelInterfaceCodegen interface for grpc::Channel
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderFactory< R >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncReaderWriterFactory< W, R >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory< R >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface< R >An interface relevant for async client side unary RPCs (which send one request message to a server and receive one response message)
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncStreamingInterfaceCommon interface for all client side asynchronous streaming
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientAsyncWriterFactory< W >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientBidiReactor< Request, Response >ClientBidiReactor is the interface for a bidirectional streaming RPC
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientCallbackReader< Response >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientCallbackReaderFactory< Response >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientCallbackReaderWriter< Request, Response >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientCallbackReaderWriterFactory< Request, Response >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientCallbackWriter< Request >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientCallbackWriterFactory< Request >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientContextA ClientContext allows the person implementing a service client to:
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientReaderFactory< R >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientReaderWriterFactory< W, R >
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientReadReactor< Response >ClientReadReactor is the interface for a server-streaming RPC
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientStreamingInterfaceCommon interface for all synchronous client side streaming
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientUnaryReactorClientUnaryReactor is a reactor-style interface for a unary RPC
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientWriteReactor< Request >ClientWriteReactor is the interface for a client-streaming RPC
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ClientWriterFactory< W >
 Cgrpc::internal::CompletionQueueTagAn interface allowing implementors to process and filter event tags
 Cgrpc::CoreCodegenInterfaceInterface between the codegen library and the minimal subset of core features required by the generated code
 Cstd::default_delete<::grpc_impl::ClientAsyncResponseReader< R > >
 Cstd::default_delete<::grpc_impl::ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface< R > >
 Cgrpc::ServerInterface::experimental_registration_interfaceNOTE: class experimental_registration_interface is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to public API when no longer experimental
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerBuilder::experimental_typeNOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class
 Cgrpc_impl::Server::experimental_typeNOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class
 Cgrpc_impl::Alarm::experimental_typeNOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to the public API of Alarm when they are no longer experimental
 Cgrpc_impl::TemplatedGenericStub< RequestType, ResponseType >::experimental_typeNOTE: class experimental_type is not part of the public API of this class TODO(vjpai): Move these contents to the public API of GenericStub when they are no longer experimental
 Cgrpc_impl::Server::GlobalCallbacksGlobal callbacks are a set of hooks that are called when server events occur
 Cgrpc_impl::ClientContext::GlobalCallbacksGlobal Callbacks
 Cgpr_log_func_argsLog overrides: applications can use this API to intercept logging calls and use their own implementations
 Cgpr_timespecAnalogous to struct timespec
 Cgrpc_argA single argument..
 Cgrpc_auth_metadata_contextContext that can be used by metadata credentials plugin in order to create auth related metadata
 Cgrpc_auth_metadata_processorPluggable server-side metadata processor object
 Cgrpc_auth_propertyValue, if not NULL, is guaranteed to be NULL terminated
 Cgrpc_byte_buffer_reader::grpc_byte_buffer_reader_currentDifferent current objects correspond to different types of byte buffers
 Cgrpc_channel_argsAn array of arguments that can be passed around
 Cgrpc_channel_infoInformation requested from the channel
 Cgrpc_compression_options::grpc_compression_options_default_algorithmThe default message compression algorithm
 Cgrpc_compression_options::grpc_compression_options_default_levelThe default compression level
 Cgrpc_eventThe result of an operation
 Cgrpc_experimental_completion_queue_functorEXPERIMENTAL: Specifies an interface class to be used as a tag for callback-based completion queues
 Cgrpc_metadataA single metadata element
 Cgrpc_metadata_credentials_pluginGrpc_metadata_credentials plugin is an API user provided structure used to create grpc_credentials objects that can be set on a channel (composed) or a call
 Cgrpc_opOperation data: one field for each op type (except SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT which has no arguments)
 Cgrpc_op::grpc_op_data::grpc_op_recv_initial_metadataOwnership of the array is with the caller, but ownership of the elements stays with the call object (ie key, value members are owned by the call object, recv_initial_metadata->array is owned by the caller)
 Cgrpc_op::grpc_op_data::grpc_op_recv_messageOwnership of the byte buffer is moved to the caller; the caller must call grpc_byte_buffer_destroy on this value, or reuse it in a future op
 Cgrpc_op::grpc_op_data::grpc_op_send_initial_metadata::grpc_op_send_initial_metadata_maybe_compression_levelIf is_set, compression_level will be used for the call
 Cgrpc_sliceA grpc_slice s, if initialized, represents the byte range s.bytes[0..s.length-1]
 Cgrpc_slice_bufferRepresents an expandable array of slices, to be interpreted as a single item
 Cgrpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pairObject that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format
 Cgrpc_ssl_verify_peer_optionsObject that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure channel
 Cgrpc_sts_credentials_optionsOptions for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft
 Cgrpc_tls_credential_reload_argA struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a credential reload request
 Cgrpc_tls_server_authorization_check_argA struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a server authorization check request
 Cgrpc::GrpcLibraryCodegenClasses that require gRPC to be initialized should inherit from this class
 Cgrpc::internal::GrpcLibraryInitializerInstantiating this class ensures the proper initialization of gRPC
 Cgrpc_impl::HealthCheckServiceInterfaceThe gRPC server uses this interface to expose the health checking service without depending on protobuf
 Cgrpc::experimental::InterceptorInterface for an interceptor
 Cgrpc::experimental::InterceptorBatchMethodsClass that is passed as an argument to the Intercept method of the application's Interceptor interface implementation
 Cgrpc::experimental::MessageAllocator< RequestT, ResponseT >
 Cgrpc::experimental::MessageAllocator< RequestType, ResponseType >
 Cgrpc_impl::MetadataCredentialsPluginUser defined metadata credentials
 Cgrpc::internal::MethodHandlerBase class for running an RPC handler
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerBuilder::PortExperimental, to be deprecated
 Cgrpc_impl::PropagationOptionsOptions for ClientContext::FromServerContext specifying which traits from the ServerContext to propagate (copy) from it into a new ClientContext
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ReaderInterface< R >An interface that yields a sequence of messages of type R
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ReaderInterface< RequestType >
 Cgrpc::internal::RpcMethodDescriptor of an RPC method
 Cgrpc::SerializationTraits< Message, UnusedButHereForPartialTemplateSpecialization >Defines how to serialize and deserialize some type
 Cgrpc::SerializationTraits< ByteBuffer, void >
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerBuilderA builder class for the creation and startup of grpc::Server instances
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerBuilderOptionInterface to pass an option to a ServerBuilder
 Cgrpc::ServerBuilderPluginThis interface is meant for internal usage only
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ServerCallbackCallThe base class of ServerCallbackUnary etc
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerContextBaseBase class of ServerContext. Experimental until callback API is final
 Cgrpc_impl::ServerCredentialsWrapper around grpc_server_credentials, a way to authenticate a server
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ServerReaderWriterBody< W, R >
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ServerReaderWriterBody< ResponseType, RequestType >
 Cgrpc::experimental::ServerRpcInfoServerRpcInfo represents the state of a particular RPC as it appears to an interceptor
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::ServerStreamingInterfaceCommon interface for all synchronous server side streaming
 Cgrpc::ServiceDesriptor of an RPC service and its various RPC methods
 Cgrpc::SliceA wrapper around grpc_slice
 Cgrpc_impl::SslCredentialsOptionsOptions used to build SslCredentials
 Cgrpc::SslServerCredentialsOptionsOptions to create ServerCredentials with SSL
 Cgrpc::StatusDid it work? If it didn't, why?
 Cgrpc::string_refThis class is a non owning reference to a string
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::StsCredentialsOptionsOptions for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft
 Cgrpc::StubOptionsUseful interface for generated stubs
 Cgrpc_impl::TemplatedGenericStub< RequestType, ResponseType >Generic stubs provide a type-unaware interface to call gRPC methods by name
 Cgrpc::TimePoint< T >If you are trying to use CompletionQueue::AsyncNext with a time class that isn't either gpr_timespec or std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, you will most likely be looking at this comment as your compiler will have fired an error below
 Cgrpc::TimePoint< gpr_timespec >
 Cgrpc::TimePoint< std::chrono::system_clock::time_point >
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsCredentialReloadArgTLS credential reload arguments, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_arg
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsCredentialReloadConfigTLS credential reloag config, wraps grpc_tls_credential_reload_config
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsCredentialReloadInterfaceAn interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a TlsCredentialReloadConfig instance
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsCredentialsOptionsTLS credentials options, wrapper for grpc_tls_credentials_options
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsKeyMaterialsConfigTLS key materials config, wrapper for grpc_tls_key_materials_config
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckArgTLS server authorization check arguments, wraps grpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfigTLS server authorization check config, wraps grps_tls_server_authorization_check_config
 Cgrpc_impl::experimental::TlsServerAuthorizationCheckInterfaceAn interface that the application derives and uses to instantiate a TlsServerAuthorizationCheckConfig instance
 Cverify_peer_optionsDeprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options
 Cgrpc::WriteOptionsPer-message write options
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::WriterInterface< W >An interface that can be fed a sequence of messages of type W
 Cgrpc_impl::internal::WriterInterface< ResponseType >