Cgpr_event | |
Cgpr_log_func_args | Log overrides: applications can use this API to intercept logging calls and use their own implementations |
Cgpr_mu | |
Cgpr_refcount | |
Cgpr_stats_counter | |
Cgpr_timespec | Analogous to struct timespec |
▼Cgrpc_arg | A single argument.. |
▼Cgrpc_arg_value | |
Cgrpc_arg_pointer | |
Cgrpc_arg_pointer_vtable | |
Cgrpc_auth_metadata_context | Context that can be used by metadata credentials plugin in order to create auth related metadata |
Cgrpc_auth_metadata_processor | Pluggable server-side metadata processor object |
Cgrpc_auth_property | Value, if not NULL, is guaranteed to be NULL terminated |
Cgrpc_auth_property_iterator | |
▼Cgrpc_byte_buffer | |
▼Cgrpc_byte_buffer_data | |
Cgrpc_compressed_buffer | |
▼Cgrpc_byte_buffer_reader | |
Cgrpc_byte_buffer_reader_current | Different current objects correspond to different types of byte buffers |
Cgrpc_call_details | |
Cgrpc_channel_args | An array of arguments that can be passed around |
Cgrpc_channel_info | Information requested from the channel |
Cgrpc_completion_queue_attributes | |
▼Cgrpc_compression_options | |
Cgrpc_compression_options_default_algorithm | The default message compression algorithm |
Cgrpc_compression_options_default_level | The default compression level |
Cgrpc_event | The result of an operation |
Cgrpc_experimental_completion_queue_functor | EXPERIMENTAL: Specifies an interface class to be used as a tag for callback-based completion queues |
Cgrpc_metadata | A single metadata element |
Cgrpc_metadata_array | |
Cgrpc_metadata_credentials_plugin | Grpc_metadata_credentials plugin is an API user provided structure used to create grpc_credentials objects that can be set on a channel (composed) or a call |
▼Cgrpc_op | Operation data: one field for each op type (except SEND_CLOSE_FROM_CLIENT which has no arguments) |
▼Cgrpc_op_data | |
Cgrpc_op_recv_close_on_server | |
Cgrpc_op_recv_initial_metadata | Ownership of the array is with the caller, but ownership of the elements stays with the call object (ie key, value members are owned by the call object, recv_initial_metadata->array is owned by the caller) |
Cgrpc_op_recv_message | Ownership of the byte buffer is moved to the caller; the caller must call grpc_byte_buffer_destroy on this value, or reuse it in a future op |
Cgrpc_op_recv_status_on_client | |
▼Cgrpc_op_send_initial_metadata | |
Cgrpc_op_send_initial_metadata_maybe_compression_level | If is_set, compression_level will be used for the call |
Cgrpc_op_send_message | |
Cgrpc_op_send_status_from_server | |
▼Cgrpc_slice | A grpc_slice s, if initialized, represents the byte range s.bytes[0..s.length-1] |
▼Cgrpc_slice_data | |
Cgrpc_slice_inlined | |
Cgrpc_slice_refcounted | |
Cgrpc_slice_buffer | Represents an expandable array of slices, to be interpreted as a single item |
Cgrpc_ssl_pem_key_cert_pair | Object that holds a private key / certificate chain pair in PEM format |
Cgrpc_ssl_verify_peer_options | Object that holds additional peer-verification options on a secure channel |
Cgrpc_sts_credentials_options | Options for creating STS Oauth Token Exchange credentials following the IETF draft |
Cgrpc_tls_credential_reload_arg | A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a credential reload request |
Cgrpc_tls_server_authorization_check_arg | A struct containing all information necessary to schedule/cancel a server authorization check request |
Cverify_peer_options | Deprecated in favor of grpc_ssl_verify_peer_options |